The Captivators
The eagle has landed! The Captivators have released our newest release, Need a Lift?

The Captivators Live
Friday, December 20, 2019: The Captivators are pleased to festively rock out with Bongo District at Rock and Roll Hotel!
Thursday, January 16, 2020: It's the first BlueBeat DC show of the year!
Latest News
November, 2019: The Captivators are looking forward to a season of merriment, joviality, and ska-related tomfoolery! First up, we return to Dangerously Delicious Pies to play with the Hempsteadys. Then, we've got a date with the handsome fellows of Bongo District at Rock and Roll Hotel.
August, 2019: Well hello, ska fans! The Captivators are thrilled to debut our bad-ass new lineup at BlueBeat DC, playing with the one and only King Django. Come out at see us on Thursday, August 15, at the Wonderland Ballroom in DC. Then we're heading up 95 to play with lots of great bands, including Spring Heeled Jack, Kill Lincoln, and our friends, the Scotch Bonnets and Thirteen Towers, at the Dr Chill music fest in Baltimore on Saturday, August 24.
We've got shows lined up for September, October, and November with other rad bands including the Toasters and the Hempsteadys.
Older News
May, 2019: The Captivators are busy practicing and getting our newest members up to speed. It's a tall order; these dudes are learning thirty songs.
We've got two sweet-assed shows to announce. First, we'll be playing a ska festival with a ton of great bands at Fish Head Cantina on Saturday, August 24. Then, we're heading up to Baltimore to play with the Toasters at the Sidebar!
April, 2019: The Captivators will soon be sporting a new lineup! We're sorry to see Alex and Charles go, but sometimes life gets busy, and people become fathers. However, we have some familiar faces joining the band! Mike Miraglia will be sitting on the drum throne as a full-time member. And AC Valdez, who played guitar with the Captivators while Dan was on an unplanned medical leave of absence, will be taking over on bass. Mike and AC are really good players, and we're thrilled to have them join the Captivators. The songs are familiar, but the tunes sound fresh with Mike's and AC's ideas.
March, 2019: Meet your newest Captivator, Agimon Ali! Agimon blows a mean saxophone. You may notice the average height of the Captivators has climbed significantly with his addition.
Wait 'til you hear the dude play! He'll be playing his first show with the Captivators at Villain & Saint on Thursday, March 21. We'll be playing with our friends, the Skluttz and Bongo District.
February, 2019: Our beloved Jaime is moving to Miami! We will miss his sweet sax lines, and his beautiful smile/buttocks. Help us send him out in style in his last Captivators show on Saturday, February 16, at Roofer's Union. We'll be blowing three hours of ska directly into your ear canals.
Agent Jay of the Slackers did a kickass remix of Poor Jimmy! We'll post this one shortly.
January, 2019: The Captivators have our first shows of 2019 on the calendar! Join us on Sunday, January 20, for a free ska show at DC's Dangerously Delicious Pies! On Saturday, February 16, we'll be rocking out at Roofer's Union. You can get a good dinner and dessert at both of these shows, which is great news, because you don't want to dance on an empty stomach!
October, 2018: The Captivators are booking fall and winter gigs. First on the agenda, we've got BlueBeat DC! We'll be playing with Catbite, a hot new ska band from Philly. You're gonna dig 'em. We'll announce other shows once they're finalized.
August, 2018: The Captivators have released our newest ep, Need a Lift? It's got six brand new tracks for your listening pleasure. Please check it out on iTunes, Amazon, Google, Spotify, or your favorite download site (provided your favorite download site is one we're on). You can get it for the lowest price of five dollars here.
We recorded Need a Lift? at Mark's studio. Mark mixed, mastered, and produced this puppy. Is there anything this guy can't do? In all likelihood, probably. But in the music realm, Mark is the cat's pyjamas, baby!
We're starting to book shows for the end of summer and early fall. We'll keep you posted on upcoming dates.
June, 2018: We hope you all enjoyed the 2018 Supernova International Ska Festival as much as we did! That was a smokin' lineup!
Speaking of smokin' lineups, we've got a treat for you this July. The Captivators will be playing with the Pietasters, the Fuss, and the Freecoasters at Villain and Saint on July 13! Get you tickets while you can!
March, 2018: The Captivators have a busy spring '18. We're finishing our second e.p., and have some delectable shows coming up.
Saturday, March 17: It's Ska Patrick's Day at Rock and Roll Hotel!
Thursday, April 19: BlueBeat DC with Interstate Rivals!
Friday, May 25: Hoo boy, this is a doozy. The Captivators are playing with the Toasters at the Supernova International Ska Festival kick-off party (Note: this pre-game show is sold the f' out! But you can still get tickets to the festival where over two days you can see more than twenty bands like the Suicide Machines, the Pietasters, MU330, Chris Murray, etc.
Wednesday, May 30: The Captivators are playing with Dischord Recording artists, Red Hare and GIVE at the Black Cat.
February, 2018: The Captivators collectively are about 25% Irish, and what better way to celebrate our heritage than headlining Ska Patrick's Day at Rock & Roll Hotel on Saturday, March 17? Will there be the Fuss? Yes! Will there be Stratus Fear? Yes! Will there be green-colored beer? Probably not! 'Cause rudies of all shades prefer their beers on a scale from amber to stout.
December 2017/January 2018: Well, hello there! We hope you've had a lovely holiday season, and 2018 is treating you right.
It's frigid here in DC, but we've got some hot shows coming up. In January, we'll be playing with Free Lobster Buffet at Villain and Saint. Then, in April, we return to Blue Beat DC with Interstate Rivals. And then...
The Captivators will be opening for the Toasters at the VIP Pre-Party on Friday, May 25, at the 2018 Supernova International Ska Festival! Tickets for the pre-party are sold out, but hopefully we'll see some friends there. In the meantime, tickets are still available for the festival itself on Saturday and Sunday, May 26 and 27. Check out the lineup they've got this year. We're talking the Suicide Machines, the Pietasters, MU330, Spring Heeled Jack, Eastern Standard Time, the Scotch Bonnets, Chris Murray, and twenty other bands! It's a damned extravaganza of ska!
November, 2017: We had an amazing show with Ballyhoo! at MilkBoy ArtHouse! Ballyhoo! were fantastic and MilkBoy ArtHouse is a great new venue. We're hoping they do some more ska shows there as it's a super friendly place with a great dance floor for skanking and other shenanigans.
The Captivators have a couple of rad shows coming up in January and March playing with three bands you know and love. We'll be announcing them soon. In the meantime, get ready for the Captivators opening for HR at Songbyrd in DC.
October, 2017: The Captivators enjoyed a lovely evening with our friends Free Lobster Buffet at Skalloween. It's such a fun tradition that they've kept going for many years.
We are really excited to be opening for the legendary HR (of Bad Brains)! Come out to Songbyrd in Adams Morgan on Friday, December 22. You can get your tickets here.
September, 2017: Boy howdy, do we have some fun coming up! On Saturday, October 28, we'll be playing Skalloween with our friends Free Lobster Buffet at the Black Squirrel in DC. Come join us, whether you're planning to dress up like a skank (re: sexy maid, sexy police officer, sexy sanitation worker) or just wanna skank the night away.
Then, on Friday, November 17, The Captivators are opening for Ballyhoo! at MilkBoy ArtHouse in College Park, MD. Get your tickets here as this puppy will likely sell out.
August, 2017: The Captivators had two fantastic shows this month with 1099g (who may or may not now be known as the Spice Boyz) and played our first show at the Black Cat with Go Mod Go! Both bands were phenomenal... you'll be seeing more from these groups, so keep them on your radar.
We've got our first two shows of fall on the docket. The Captivators will be playing a three hour set at Denizens Brewing Company in September, and a set at the Kensington Fall Festival in October. Have some beers with us at Denizens and get your face painting on in Kensington!
July, 2017: The summer has been kind to the Captivators. We've played some swell shows, recorded a new tune, and on August 17, we'll be playing BlueBeat DC with 1099g, a new ska supergroup made up of King Django, Erick Morgan, Chris Suspect, Zach Browne, and friends.
On August 30, we'll be playing at the Black Cat with the most Mod-est band around, Go Mod Go!. If you don't know Go Mod Go!, you need to check them out, stat. They rock a fusion of 60s mod, garage, and punk, and are fronted by Jake Starr. They have killer tunes, and put on one hell of a show.
June, 2017: The Captivators have a delightful summer lineup! We are pleased as punch to be playing shows with some of our favorite bands at Bossa, Heaven and Hell, BlueBeat DC, and Denizens Brewery.
It was a blast playing the Supernova International Skafest! We got to see rad-assed bands and hang out with friends, while enjoying some delicious libations. The festival was a huge success, and we hope to be a part of it in 2018.
May, 2017: The Captivators have some News, Shows, and Music coming your way. We've got gigs in June, July, August, and September in DC and Maryland. More info to come... but in the meantime...
First off, we've got a coupla awesome musicians playing with us at the Supernova International Ska Festival. We have vocalist Lindsay Goodwin-McCarthy and trombone player Emily Joseph! You might know Lindsay from rocking the mic with Free Lobster Buffet and Emily providing sweet brass with the Upstarters. This is going to be straight up rad, folks!
We've got a little snippit of Piltdown Man for your listening pleasure.
April, 2017: The Captivators are lining up summer shows and have recorded a new tune to be released soon.
March, 2017: The Captivators have some new shows announced! We've got a show at Bossa playing with Caz, and Tropik Sol.
The Supernova International Ska Festival is right around the corner! The Captivators will be playing with the best ska bands from around the globe (re: the Pietasters, the Aggrolites, the Skints, and the Toasters, to name-drop a few). Get your weekend passes while the are still available here.
February, 2017: The Captivators will be playing the Slackers and the Scotch Bonnets at Rock and Roll Hotel on Saturday, April 1! Wait those Slackers? Yes, those Slackers, rudy! It's all the sweeter that we are also playing with the best rocksteady band around (and f'ing rad people to boot), the Scotch Bonnets. Get yer tickets here!
January, 2017: We had a blast playing with the Toasters! It was awesome to see so many friends from DC and Baltimore ska bands come out. We've got a great community of musicians here in the DMV*.
We've got two shows in February. First we'll be celebrating (Punxs)utawney's finest citizen on February 2, in Arlington, VA. Later in the month, we'll be playing with Caz (Checkered Cabs, New York Ska Jazz Ensemble, etc.) at Bossa. As always, check out the Shows page for details.
*Not the Department of Motor Vehicles (although we assume they are a delightful community whilst away from the counter), but the region.
** Captivators Industries reserve the right to trademark the names "(Punxs)sutawney", "Punxs-Not-Dead-Utawney", or any other derivation thereof.
December, 2016: December closes out a great year of ska, and 2017 is looking even better! We've got shows with the Toasters, Thirteen Towers, and the Upstarters to kick off the new year. In February, we'll be playing with our friends the Scotch Bonnets, the Fuss, and Caz Gardiner. Details can be found on the Shows page.
November, 2016: Whoa, Nellie, January is looking hot! El Nino hot. We return to Rock and Roll Hotel on Friday, January 6. We'll be playing with Baltimore's The Upstarters and Thirteen Towers featuring the lovely Lindsay from Free Lobster Buffet on vocals. Then, on January 11, we'll be opening for the incomparable Toasters. The Toasters show will likely sell out, but we've got some tickets available ahead of time.
Hark, December should not despair! We'll be playing BlueBeat DC on December 15 at Wonderland Ballroom.
October, 2016: We've got some delightful shows for the autumnal season. Make merry with us at Rhodeside Grill (VA) in October, Bossa in November (DC), and Wonderland Ballroom (DC) in December. Warm the cockles of your heart with ska (and other libidinous libations)!
September, 2016: Peep this, rudies: The Captivators will be playing the 2017 Supernova International Ska Festival! We'll be playing alongside such awesome bands as The Pietasters, The Aggrolites, Derrick Morgan, The Skints, Pilfers, Chris Murray, The Toasters, Eastern Standard Time, and other bands that are kind of a big deal (re: leather bounds books-big deal). DC and Baltimore will be represented with our friends in Party Like It's, Stacked Like Pancakes, the Scotch Bonnets, the Fuss, and Thirteen Towers.
August, 2016: Charm City, we're comin'-a-callin'! We'll be travelling up the road a piece to play Jaime's hometown, Baltimore, at Joe Squared, on August 13. Come on out and have some Natty Bohs while you skank the evening away! Later this month, we'll be playing the DC State Fair. But wait, you say, DC is not a state! Today it isn't, but having a state fair is just the first step to full representation!
June, 2016: We've got some swell shows for your listening/drinking pleasure. The Captivators will be at Villain & Saint with Notaries Public on June 12. On Saturday, June 18, we'll be playing with Gina's Soul Party (Item! Mark Allred plays trumpet with this fine band). The Captivators return to Blue Beat DC opening for the Snails on July 21. The Snails rule! Our first gig was opening for these fine fellows along with the Shifters all the way back in yesteryear's 2014.
May, 2016: The good people at Captivators Industries* (a subsidiary of RadSka Inc.**) have secured some really great bands for upcoming shows.
On Friday, May 27, we'll be playing with Dot Dash (rad post-punk band with fellows from Minor Threat, Government Issue, Swervedriver, and Julie Ocean) and Free Lobster Buffet (rad ska band with fellows and fellettes who play original ska tunes and sanctified covers).
On Saturday, June 18, we've got a surprise soul band starting off the night...
*Captivators Industries is not a real company. But it sounds legit, doesn't it?
** Ska is totally not corporate.
April, 2016: We've got some some shows coming up that are the absolute bee's knees. First off, we'll be at Gypsy Sally's opening for Jahman Brahman and Nappy Riddem on Saturday, May 21. Next, we return to the Rock and Roll Hotel for continued skankin' shennanigans. Then on June 18, we'll be rockin' with the good people of Georgetown at Bayou.
February, 2016: The Captivators have some spring shows coming up. We're playing Skannapolis in MD on April 7, and at Wonderland Ballroom in DC on April 28. In the meantime, we'll be recording a couple of rad-assed tracks for your listening pleasure. One is in Eb minor, the other in A; you be the judge of the superior key.
January, 2016: We've got some additional spring shows in DC coming up. We'll be playing at Solly's with our buddies Free Lobster Buffet in February, and will be playing at Columbia Heights' favorite watering hole, Wonderland Ballroom, in April. Check out the Shows page for details.
December, 2015: The Captivators have got some top-notch shows heading your way. We'll be playing with the Evokatones, Thirteen Towers, Interstate Rivals, and the Chariots. And, BlueBeat DC has a delightful schedule sure to satisfy your lustiest ska desires.
November 6, 2015: The Captivators have a rad fall and winter 2015/2016 planned. We just released two new songs (recorded and mixed at our own Mark Allred's studio), and we've got a couple of great shows lined up that we're looking forward to announcing.
October 7, 2015: The Adams Morgan Porch Fest has been rescheduled for Saturday, October 24, so the Captivators will be playing a doubleheader. We've got a family-friendly outdoor event in DC during the day, and an evening of debauchery in Alexandria at O'Shaughnessy's.
September 30, 2015: Thar she blows... like, totally blows. Adams Morgan Porch Fest has been postponed due to the arrival of our friend from the Carribean, Joaquin... first name Hurricane. The event has been rescheduled for Saturday, October 24.
September 24, 2015: Details for the first few Captivators' performances of fall, 2015, are listed on the Shows page. Also, we are mixing and mastering some hot new tracks that we're looking forward to releasing on the planet, Earth.
August 17, 2015: The Captivators have been busy writing and recording some rad new tunes for an e.p. We've also got some fall shows coming up... the Shows page will be updated soon.
July 6, 2015: We've got a whiz-bang show coming up this weekend for our rudy and punk-rocking friends! Join us, won't you, for an evening with Survay Says!, Backyard Superheroes, Thirteen Towers, and other rad bands at Metro Area Ska and Pop Punk Summer Bash? Check the Shows page for more details.
May 18, 2015: We had a blast playing with the Pietasters and El Quatro last Saturday. Thank you all who were able to come out on a rainy night and help raise some money for the VeloCity Bicycle Cooperative.
April 9, 2015: Our punk hearts are aflutter! The Captivators will be playing with Dot Dash (you might know these fellas from such bands as Minor Threat, Youth Brigade, and Julie Ocean) and the Party Like It's at DC's premier ska showcase, BlueBeat DC. See shows for details.
February 27, 2015: "This is the big one! You hear that, Elizabeth?" - Fred Sanford
The Captivators are thrilled to announce we are playing with the incomparable ska greats, the Pietasters! Alexandria's own El Quatro is also on the bill at VeloCity Bicycle Cooperative in Alexandria, VA, on May 16, 2015. Are we psyched? Yes, yes we are.
January 14, 2015: Great news for DC's rude boys and rude girls: BlueBeat DC has returned! The Snails and the Fuss will be playing the inaugural show on Thursday, January 15, 2015, at Bossa Bistro & Lounge, located in the Adams Morgan neighborhood. This is the return of an institution. We'll be playing BlueBeat DC with one of our favorite bands, the Shifters, on March 19, 2015.
November 29, 2014: The Captivators are proud to release our first ep, Jellied Scones and Symphonies! Click here to take a listen.
November 19, 2014: We are thrilled to welcome a new Captivator! Mark Allred is a truly fantastic musician, playing both trumpet and keys, sometimes at the same time. He'll be making his debut with the Captivators at Comet Ping Pong on December 5. Meet Mark here.
October 17, 2014: We're playing with an awesome lineup at Velvet Lounge on Thursday, October 23. We'll be playing with our friends Iceberg Theory and Dischord Records/Inner Ear Studios legend Don Zientara.
September 12, 2014: We are super excited as we have just confirmed an opening slot with the Scotch Bonnets and H.R. from Bad Brains on Friday, December 5th at Comet Ping Pong in Washington, DC.
August 23, 2014: We have a couple new shows in the DC area. Details can be found here.
August 22, 2014: Mixing on our upcoming e.p. has been completed. Scones and Symphonies will be released shortly, and will be available on this site.
August 4, 2014: The show at Baying Hound Aleworks has been rescheduled for October 4. More details to follow.
July 13, 2014: The Captivators are in the studio recording their first e.p. at Cue Recording Studios with Chris Rafetto of Honor by August. Good guy, that Chris.
July 8, 2014: The Captivators had an awesome time playing opening night at Fort Reno! The good people at Brightest Young Things did a nice write-up of the event. There are some truly terrifying pics of Bill and Carl in the article. Thanks to Amanda MacKaye for her tireless efforts to make sure the concerts continue.